Choose the best plan for you

Access to the most advanced and updated salary data on the market with our Salary Platform.

Annually (Save 20%)

* Cancel your subscription at anytime. You will have access to the platform until the end of your current billing period.


To start with platform.

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Searches available:


Core features include:
  • Base salary for 1 position, lifetime
  • Offer and demand data
  • Manage employees salaries


For small to medium teams that need to review salary data.

25 / month
300 / year
Buy now

Searches available:

5/ month

All Free Plan features, plus:
  • Salary by experience data
  • Benefits data
  • Bonus data
  • Analyze competitors


The best plan for growing companies.

50 / month
600 / year
Buy now

Searches available:

5/ month

All Standard Plan features, plus:
  • Filter by sector, company size and funding
  • Export data
  • Salary prediction for next year
  • Raw data from companies


Full salary reviews, global hiring and more.

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Searches available:


All Advanced Plan features, plus:
  • Compare salaries
  • Salary report
  • Priority support
  • Full access to every feature
  • Dedicated Technical Account Manager
  • Comprehensive onboarding
  • Training
  • Salary structure consulting
  • New roles on demand
  • Peer group
  • Grading from other providers: Korn Ferry, Mercer, Radford, Willis Towers Watson.

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Searches available 1 limited 5 5 Unlimited
Base salary data
Offer and demand data
Manage employee salaries
Salary by experience data
Benefits data
Bonus data
Analyze competitors
Filter by sector, company size and funding
Export data
Salary prediction for next year
Raw data from companies
Stock options data
Compare salaries
Salary report
Priority support
Full access to every feature
Dedicated Technical Account Manager
Comprehensive onboarding
Salary structure consulting
New roles on demand
Peer group
Grading from other providers: Korn Ferry, Mercer, Radford, Willis Towers Watson.


Let us help answer the most common questions

The prices of TalentUp's Salary Platform vary depending on the number of the roles you can unlock and the data provided. We offer three monthly and annual pricing plans, with discounts available for those who choose an annual plan.
There are no hidden costs in TalentUp's Salary Platform. All of our prices are clearly displayed on our pricing page.
Every month, you will have 5 position to unlock with the Standard Plan. With the Advanced Plan, depending on the version of the plan you chose, you will have 5, 10, 25, or 50 seats. After your current billing month is up, you will have the option of purchasing completely different positions or sticking with the same and monitoring how they progress. With the Premium plan, you will get immediate access to all of the data on the TalentUp Salary Platform.
Yes, you can register for Free on our Salary Platform and start your compensation and benefits journey with the base salary for 1 position, lifetime.
We accept credit and debit cards, as well as bank transfers. Please communicate with our sales team if you need to use a different payment method.
Our Salary Platform is designed to benefit organizations of all sizes, including non-profit organizations and startups with fewer than 20 employees. We know that these groups may have limited funds, so we offer special pricing that fits their needs and budgets. Please communicate with our sales team if you need more information about this matter.
If you already have as many roles as your current plan allows, you will need to switch to a higher plan to keep getting more roles. Alternatively, you can wait until your next billing cycle to reset your available roles.
Yes, we take the security of our customers' payment information very seriously. We use encryption and security protocols that are standard in the business world to keep your payment information safe and secret.
Yes, you can customize the data and roles included in your subscription to TalentUp's Salary Platform. Our sales team can work with you to create a custom plan that meets your specific needs and requirements.
Yes, you can cancel your subscription to TalentUp's Salary Platform at any time. We do not have any cancellation fees or penalties, and you will have access to the platform until the end of your current billing period.
We update the data in our Salary Platform on a regular basis, every month. This makes sure that our customers can get the most accurate and up-to-date information about salaries and benefits.
We have a minimum requirement of 30 verified data points for uploading the yearly salary for a role. Typically, we have a greater number of data points available for each role and location.
Yes, we offer training and support for using TalentUp's Salary Platform. Our sales team is available to answer any questions you may have and provide guidance on how to get the most out of the platform.

Trusted by leading companies

Non-profit organitzations and startups

Our Salary Platform is designed to benefit organizations of all sizes, including non-profit organizations and startups with fewer than 20 employees. We understand that these organizations may have limited resources, so we offer a special pricing structure that is tailored to their specific needs and budget constraints.

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