Innovative employee reward ideas for a modern workforce

In today’s dynamic work environment, traditional reward systems may no longer suffice to motivate and retain top talent.

Profit-sharing bonus – what, why, and does it work? How?

One common bonus to find in the American market is the profit-sharing bonus. Do you know what it

A guide to different kinds of bonus

There are numerous ways in which a company can offer a bonus. There are many types of them:

Commissions – what, why, and does it work? How?

Do you receive variable compensation? A performance bonus is a fixed or lump-sum reward for hitting a goal

Year-end VS. holiday bonus – what, why, and do they work? How?

This article analyzes two common types of bonuses: the year-end bonus and the holiday bonus. They are offered

Retention bonus – what, why, and does it work? How?

Another type of bonus commonly found in companies is the retention bonus. They are a desperate solution to

Referral bonus – what, why, and does it work? How?

When it comes to hiring new employees, referrals are very popular. It is common practice in many companies

Sign-on bonus – what, why, and does it work? How?

Professionals can spot many offers announcing sign-on bonuses when looking for a new job. This trend has been