39,900 лв

Median Base Salary

How much does a Sales Operations make in Sofia ?

The base salary for a Sales Operations in Sofia is 39,900 лв. Also known as: Inbound Sales.
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39,900 лв

Median Base Salary (percentile 50th)

53 observations

Excellent Confidence

14,300 лв Bonus per year

24,300 лв of Stock

Base salary varies with experience. Register at TalentUp.io platform to learn about associated salaries based on seniority and percentiles. (Updated: Oct. 9, 2024)


25500.0 лв

Min salary

56700.0 лв

Max salary

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Image Description
Responsibilities: • Develop and maintain customer relationships • Create and execute sales plans and strategies • Analyze sales performance and report results • Monitor customer feedback and identify areas of improvement • Maintain accurate records of sales activities • Assist in the development of marketing materials • Identify new sales opportunities Requirements: • Bachelor’s degree in business, marketing, or related field • Proven track record in sales • Excellent interpersonal and communication skills • Ability to multitask and prioritize tasks • High level of organization and attention to detail • Ability to work independently and as part of a team Preferred Skills: • Knowledge of customer relationship management (CRM) software • Experience with sales forecasting • Understanding of sales process optimization • Ability to analyze data and identify trends • Experience with sales enablement tools • Familiarity with market research and competitive analysis

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