9,886,400 Ft

Median Base Salary

How much does a Mechanical Engineer make in Hungary ?

The base salary for a Mechanical Engineer in Hungary is 9,886,400 Ft. Also known as: Mechanical technician, Mechanical designer, Mechanical technician, Mechanical designer.
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9,886,400 Ft

Median Base Salary (percentile 50th)

64 observations

Excellent Confidence

2,041,100 Ft Bonus per year

3,061,600 Ft of Stock

Base salary varies with experience. Register at TalentUp.io platform to learn about associated salaries based on seniority and percentiles. (Updated: Oct. 9, 2024)


6601500.0 Ft

Min salary

9439900.0 Ft

Max salary

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👤 Mechanical Engineer in 📍 Hungary

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Image Description
Responsibilities: •Assist in the design and development of mechanical systems and components •Perform calculations and simulations to ensure the functionality and safety of designs •Collaborate with cross-functional teams to troubleshoot and solve engineering problems •Create and maintain technical documentation and reports •Participate in testing and validation activities to ensure product performance Requirements: •Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering or related field •Strong understanding of mechanical principles and engineering fundamentals •Proficiency in CAD software for design and drafting purposes •Ability to interpret technical drawings and specifications •Strong problem-solving and analytical skills •Excellent communication and teamwork abilities Preferred Skills: •Familiarity with Finite Element Analysis (FEA) and Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) •Experience with product development processes and manufacturing techniques •Knowledge of materials science and mechanical testing methods •Understanding of regulatory standards and industry codes •Internship or co-op experience in a related field,

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