24,600 лв

Median Base Salary

How much does a Health And Safety Coordinator make in Sofia ?

The base salary for a Health And Safety Coordinator in Sofia is 24,600 лв. Also known as: Health and Safety Manager, Occupational Health and Safety Coordinator, Workplace Health and Safety Coordinator, Safety and Health Coordinator.
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24,600 лв

Median Base Salary (percentile 50th)

58 observations

Excellent Confidence

5,900 лв Bonus per year

19,600 лв of Stock

Base salary varies with experience. Register at TalentUp.io platform to learn about associated salaries based on seniority and percentiles. (Updated: Oct. 9, 2024)


16600.0 лв

Min salary

32100.0 лв

Max salary

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Responsibilities: • Develop and implement health and safety policies and procedures in the workplace. • Monitor and inspect workplace conditions to ensure compliance with health and safety regulations. • Investigate and report on any workplace accidents or incidents. • Provide training and guidance to staff on health and safety procedures. • Establish and maintain relationships with relevant external organizations such as regulatory authorities. • Keep up to date with changes in health and safety legislation and best practices. Requirements: • Bachelor’s degree in Health and Safety or a related field. • Knowledge of relevant health and safety regulations. • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills. • Ability to work independently and as part of a team. • Strong problem-solving and organizational skills. • Basic computer skills. Preferred Skills: • Previous experience in a health and safety role. • Certified Safety Professional (CSP) or equivalent certification. • Knowledge of risk management principles. • Knowledge of Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems (OHSMS). • Experience with data analysis and reporting.

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