73,700 КМ

Median Base Salary

How much does a Associate Professor make in Bosnia And Herzegovina ?

The base salary for a Associate Professor in Bosnia And Herzegovina is 73,700 КМ. Also known as: Research Associate Professor, Faculty Associate, Teaching Associate Professor.
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73,700 КМ

Median Base Salary (percentile 50th)

58 observations

Excellent Confidence

21,000 КМ Bonus per year

46,300 КМ of Stock

Base salary varies with experience. Register at TalentUp.io platform to learn about associated salaries based on seniority and percentiles. (Updated: Oct. 9, 2024)


55900.0 КМ

Min salary

91300.0 КМ

Max salary

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Responsibilities: • Develop and deliver lectures to undergraduate and/or graduate students on topics within their area of expertise. • Prepare course materials such as syllabi, assignments, and handouts. • Evaluate and grade students' class work, assignments, and papers. • Maintain student attendance records, grades, and other required records. • Initiate, facilitate, and moderate classroom discussions. • Keep abreast of developments in the field by reading current literature, engaging with colleagues, and participating in professional conferences. • Conduct research in a particular field of knowledge and publish findings in professional journals, books, or electronic media. • Collaborate with colleagues to address teaching and research issues. Requirements: • A Ph.D. in the relevant field of study. • Prior teaching experience at the collegiate level. • Demonstrated knowledge of pedagogical methods. • Excellent communication skills, both verbal and written. • Strong interpersonal skills with a proven ability to work collaboratively with students, faculty, and staff. • Demonstrated commitment to promoting a diverse educational environment. Preferred Skills: • Proven record of research and publication in the relevant field. • Experience with curriculum development and assessment. • Ability to advise and mentor students effectively. • Strong organizational skills and ability to manage multiple tasks simultaneously. • Ability to engage and inspire students. • Strong problem-solving skills and ability to think critically

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