Salaries by city by emerging technologies specialty

Let’s dive into emerging tech specialties in Europe! Take a look at salaries in AI, Blockchain, IOT, 3D

Negative effects of the Ukrainian war on business activity in Poland by sector

Poland’s business environment is also steadily improving, with the government implementing reforms to attract foreign investments and support

Most popular positions for emerging technologies

Emerging technologies such as Blockchain, Computer Vision and IoT have more professionals available for each job opening than

Recruiter’s salaries: London & Paris vs. Madrid

Did you know that Recruiters in London and Paris earn 64.5% more than in Madrid?

Working hours in Europe

Did you know that employees in France work 10 hours less per week than in the Netherlands?

Digital professionals’ salaries by specialty

“The Barcelona Talent Map highlights the diversity and balance of the digital sector, with 29% of professionals coming

Recruiters’ salaries in America

 Dive into recruiters’ salaries across the Americas! From high-earners in the US to diverse landscapes in South America,

% of remote offers by year and sector in European countries

 Evolution of Remote Work Opportunities in Europe  Exciting insights on the percentage of remote job offers across European

Job offers of the first 2 months of 2024 by sector in European countries 

 European Job Market Snapshot 2024  Takeaways: Diverse opportunities across sectors. With the highest offers in each country, the demand for

Developers’ salaries in America

 Interested in developer salaries in America? Check out this insightful data! US leads with a median salary of