Average salary in Slovenia

Average salary in Slovenia

Slovenia, a picturesque country nestled in the heart of Europe, boasts a dynamic economy driven by diverse industries and a skilled workforce. Understanding the average salary in Slovenia requires a comprehensive analysis of regional differences, prevalent industries, and the cost of living. In this article, we delve into these aspects to provide a nuanced view of Slovenia’s salary landscape.

Average salary overview

As of 2024, the average gross monthly salary in Slovenia stands at approximately €1,920. However, this figure can vary significantly based on factors such as geographic location, industry, education level, and professional experience.

Regional disparities

Urban centers: economic hubs and wage drivers

  • Ljubljana’s prominence. As the capital city and economic hub of Slovenia, Ljubljana stands as a beacon of opportunity, attracting businesses, professionals, and investors from across the country and beyond. Salaries in Ljubljana tend to be higher compared to other regions, reflecting the city’s bustling job market, diverse industries, and higher cost of living.
  • Maribor and coastal cities. Maribor, Slovenia’s second-largest city, and coastal cities like Koper and Piran also serve as economic centers, albeit on a smaller scale compared to Ljubljana. These cities offer employment opportunities in industries such as manufacturing, logistics, tourism, and trade, with wage levels influenced by factors such as industry specialization, market demand, and geographic location.

Rural areas: challenges and opportunities

  • Economic dynamics. Rural areas and smaller towns in Slovenia face distinct economic challenges and opportunities compared to urban centers. While agriculture remains a significant contributor to rural economies, efforts to diversify economic activities are underway to stimulate growth and create job opportunities. However, rural areas may experience lower average wages due to limited economic diversification, smaller businesses, and fewer job opportunities compared to urban centers.
  • Cost of living considerations. Despite lower wage levels in rural areas, the cost of living may also be lower compared to urban centers, contributing to a more affordable lifestyle for residents. Housing, transportation, and other living expenses in rural areas may be less expensive, offsetting the lower wage levels to some extent. Additionally, rural communities often offer a higher quality of life characterized by close-knit communities, natural surroundings, and a slower pace of life.

Industry impact on regional disparities

  • Manufacturing and industry. Slovenia’s manufacturing sector, which includes industries such as automotive, machinery, electronics, and pharmaceuticals, plays a significant role in driving economic growth and employment opportunities, particularly in rural areas. Skilled workers in manufacturing roles, such as production technicians, engineers, and quality control specialists, typically earn competitive salaries reflective of their expertise and experience levels.
  • Tourism and hospitality. Coastal regions and rural areas with natural attractions and cultural landmarks contribute to Slovenia’s thriving tourism and hospitality sectors. Employment opportunities in hotels, restaurants, tour agencies, and outdoor activities provide livelihoods for many residents in these regions. Salaries in the tourism sector may vary depending on factors such as location, seasonality, and level of service, with peak tourist seasons often offering higher earning potential for hospitality professionals.

Common industries and salaries

Manufacturing and industrial production

  • Automotive industry. Slovenia’s automotive sector is a cornerstone of its manufacturing industry, with companies such as Revoz and Adria Mobil leading the way. The production of automobiles, components, and accessories provides employment opportunities for skilled workers in areas such as assembly, engineering, and quality control. Salaries in the automotive industry tend to be competitive, reflecting the sector’s importance to Slovenia’s economy and its high-value export products.
  • Machinery and engineering. Slovenia has a strong tradition of machinery production and engineering excellence, with companies specializing in precision manufacturing, metalworking, and industrial machinery. Skilled professionals in machinery and engineering roles, including mechanical engineers, CNC operators, and maintenance technicians, command competitive salaries commensurate with their technical expertise and experience.

Information technology (IT) and digital innovation

  • Software development. Thanks to a skilled workforce and a welcoming business environment, Slovenia’s IT sector has grown quickly in recent years. Software development companies, startups, and IT service providers contribute to Slovenia’s digital innovation ecosystem, offering employment opportunities in areas such as software engineering, web development, and cybersecurity. Salaries in the IT sector are often competitive, reflecting the demand for digital skills and expertise in the global market.
  • Digital marketing and e-commerce. The rise of digital marketing and e-commerce has opened up new opportunities for businesses in Slovenia, driving demand for professionals skilled in online advertising, social media marketing, and e-commerce strategy. With the shift towards digital platforms for marketing and sales, professionals in digital marketing and e-commerce roles command competitive salaries reflective of their ability to drive online revenue and customer engagement.

Tourism and hospitality

  • Nature and cultural tourism. Slovenia’s natural beauty, including its pristine lakes, mountains, and forests, attracts tourists from around the world, driving growth in the tourism and hospitality sectors. Hotels, restaurants, tour agencies, and outdoor activity providers offer employment opportunities for professionals in hospitality roles, such as hotel managers, chefs, tour guides, and event planners. Salaries in the tourism sector may vary depending on factors such as location, seasonality, and level of service.

Finance and business services

  • Financial sector services. Slovenia’s financial sector encompasses banking, insurance, asset management, and fintech, providing a wide range of employment opportunities for finance professionals. Banks, financial institutions, and investment firms offer roles in areas such as banking operations, risk management, and financial analysis, with salaries reflecting the sector’s importance in facilitating economic activity and investment.
  • Professional services. Slovenia’s professional services sector includes a diverse range of activities, including legal services, consulting, accounting, and marketing. Skilled professionals in professional services roles command competitive salaries, often serving domestic and international clients seeking expertise in various fields. Cities like Ljubljana and Maribor serve as hubs for professional services firms, providing employment opportunities and career growth prospects for qualified professionals.


Minimum wage

So Slovenia’s minimum wage serves as a regulatory benchmark for ensuring fair compensation and labor standards. As of 2024, the gross monthly minimum wage in Slovenia is set at €1,253.90. This statutory minimum wage reflects the government’s commitment to protecting workers’ rights and promoting social welfare, providing a baseline for employers to uphold fair labor practices across industries.


In conclusion, Slovenia’s salary landscape reflects the country’s economic diversity, regional dynamics, and commitment to fair labor standards. While urban centers typically offer higher salaries, rural areas may have a lower cost of living. Industries such as manufacturing, tourism, and IT play significant roles in driving economic growth and employment opportunities. By addressing regional disparities and promoting industry growth, Slovenia can foster inclusive economic development and ensure prosperity for all its citizens.

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About Author

Maria Viladrich Farré

Marketing Content Specialist. Maria is a communications enthusiast who is interested in international relations and NGOs. She spends her time exploring and learning about new cultures while being aware of current economic and social issues.