Average salary in Latvia

Average salary in Latvia

Latvia, a Baltic nation known for its rich cultural heritage and scenic landscapes, boasts a diverse economy driven by various industries. Understanding the average salary in Latvia entails examining regional differences, prevalent industries, and the cost of living. In this article, we delve into these aspects to provide a comprehensive view of Latvia’s salary landscape.

Average salary overview

As of 2024, the average gross salary in Latvia stands at approximately €17,100 per year. However, this figure can vary significantly based on factors such as geographic location, industry, education level, and professional experience.

Regional disparities

Riga: Economic hub and urban center

  • Riga’s economic dominance. As the capital city and largest urban center in Latvia, Riga stands as the epicenter of economic activity and opportunity. Home to a vibrant business community, multinational corporations, and a thriving startup scene, Riga attracts talent from across the country and abroad. Salaries in Riga tend to be higher compared to other regions, reflecting the city’s robust job market, diverse industries, and higher cost of living.
  • Industry diversity. Riga’s economic landscape is characterized by industry diversity, with key sectors including finance, manufacturing, IT, and tourism. Professionals in finance-related roles, such as bankers, accountants, and financial analysts, enjoy competitive salaries reflective of the city’s status as a financial hub. Similarly, Riga’s manufacturing sector provides employment opportunities in areas such as textiles, machinery production, and food processing, with skilled workers commanding respectable wages.

Beyond Riga

  • Coastal regions. Latvia’s coastal regions, including Jurmala, Liepaja, and Ventspils, offer unique employment opportunities tied to tourism, maritime industries, and cultural heritage. While seasonal variations in tourism activity may have an impact on salaries in coastal areas, these figures frequently reflect the region’s appeal to tourists and the high standard of living that comes with living by the sea. Professionals in hospitality, maritime logistics, and cultural tourism contribute to the local economy, albeit with wage levels influenced by factors such as seasonality and demand.
  • Rural areas and small towns. Rural areas and smaller towns in Latvia face distinct economic challenges and opportunities compared to urban centers like Riga. While agriculture remains a significant contributor to rural economies, efforts to diversify economic activities are underway to stimulate growth and create job opportunities. Salaries in rural areas may vary depending on factors such as industry specialization, local demand, and access to infrastructure. Despite lower wage levels, rural communities offer a unique lifestyle characterized by close-knit communities and proximity to nature.


Cost of living impact

  • Urban vs. rural cost of living. While salaries in urban centers like Riga may be higher, the cost of living tends to be higher compared to rural areas. Housing, transportation, and utility expenses in cities contribute to a higher cost of living, impacting residents’ disposable income and overall quality of life. In contrast, rural areas often offer a more affordable cost of living, albeit with fewer amenities and employment opportunities.

Industries and salaries

Manufacturing and industrial production

  • Manufacturing heritage. Latvia boasts a strong manufacturing heritage, with industries such as textiles, machinery, electronics, and food processing playing a significant role in the economy. Skilled workers in manufacturing roles, such as production technicians, machinists, and quality control specialists, enjoy competitive salaries reflective of their expertise and experience levels.
  • Export-oriented growth. Latvia’s manufacturing sector is export-oriented, with many companies catering to international markets. This global reach drives demand for skilled professionals and contributes to competitive wage levels within the manufacturing industry. Additionally, Latvia’s strategic location as a gateway to Northern and Eastern Europe enhances the competitiveness of its manufacturing sector on the global stage.

Information Technology (IT) and digital innovation

  • Tech sector dynamism. Latvia’s IT sector has experienced rapid growth in recent years, fueled by a skilled workforce, a supportive regulatory environment, and an entrepreneurial culture. Professionals in IT-related roles, such as software developers, system administrators, and cybersecurity specialists, command competitive salaries commensurate with their expertise and the demand for digital skills in the global market.
  • Startup ecosystem. Latvia’s startup ecosystem, centered around cities like Riga and Liepaja, fosters innovation and entrepreneurship in areas such as software development, e-commerce, and digital marketing. Salaries in the tech startup scene vary depending on factors such as funding stage, industry focus, and skillset, with successful ventures offering lucrative compensation packages and equity incentives to attract top talent.

Finance and business services

  • Financial sector sophistication. Latvia’s financial sector encompasses banking, insurance, asset management, and fintech, contributing to the country’s economic stability and growth. Professionals in finance-related roles, including bankers, financial analysts, and risk managers, enjoy competitive salaries aligned with international standards, reflecting the sector’s importance in facilitating economic activity and investment.
  • Professional services. Latvia’s professional services sector encompasses a wide range of activities, including legal services, consulting, accounting, and marketing. Skilled professionals in professional services roles command competitive salaries, often serving domestic and international clients seeking expertise in various fields. Cities like Riga serve as hubs for professional services firms, providing employment opportunities and career growth prospects for qualified professionals.

Tourism and hospitality

  • Tourism potential. Latvia’s natural beauty, cultural heritage, and historic landmarks make it an attractive destination for tourists seeking authentic travel experiences. The tourism and hospitality sector provides employment opportunities in hotels, restaurants, tour agencies, and cultural attractions, with salaries varying depending on factors such as location, seasonality, and level of service.
  • Service excellence. Latvia’s tourism industry emphasizes service excellence and hospitality, with professionals in hospitality roles, such as hotel managers, chefs, tour guides, and customer service representatives, playing a crucial role in enhancing the visitor experience. Demand fluctuations may have an impact on salaries in the tourism sector, with peak seasons typically offering higher earning potential for hospitality professionals.

Minimum wage

Latvia’s minimum wage serves as a regulatory benchmark for ensuring fair compensation and labor standards across industries. The current minimum wage in Latvia is €700 per month in 2024. It became valid on January 1, 2024. The amounts are before tax. This statutory minimum wage reflects the government’s commitment to protecting workers’ rights and promoting social welfare, providing a baseline for employers to uphold fair labor practices across diverse sectors.


In conclusion, Latvia’s economic landscape thrives on the diversity and dynamism of its key industries, each contributing to the country’s growth trajectory and employment opportunities. By fostering innovation, supporting entrepreneurship, and maintaining equitable labor practices, Latvia can continue to position itself as a competitive player in the global economy. Salaries across industries reflect market demand, skill shortages, and sector-specific dynamics, highlighting the importance of talent retention, upskilling, and workforce development initiatives to sustain Latvia’s economic momentum in the years to come.

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About Author

Maria Viladrich Farré

Marketing Content Specialist. Maria is a communications enthusiast who is interested in international relations and NGOs. She spends her time exploring and learning about new cultures while being aware of current economic and social issues.