Average salary in Argentina
The average salary in Argentina is a topic of interest for many individuals looking to gain insights into the country’s economic landscape. Understanding the average salary trends can provide valuable information for job seekers, employers, and policymakers alike.
Average salary overview in 2024
In Argentina, the typical monthly salary is around 374,320.39 Argentine pesos (ARS), which is roughly equivalent to USD 425 (based on the May 2024 exchange rate).
Regional differences
In Argentina, the average salary can vary significantly from region to region. Let’s take a closer look at the different areas and how they compare in terms of average income for 2024.
North Region
The North region of Argentina typically has lower average salaries compared to other parts of the country. In cities like Salta and Jujuy, the average salary hovers around $800 per month in 2024. This is influenced by the predominance of agriculture and tourism industries in this region.
Central Region
Moving towards the Central region, which includes Buenos Aires and its surrounding provinces, we see a notable increase in average salaries. With a more diversified economy that includes finance, technology, and manufacturing sectors, average salaries in this region can range from $1200 to $2000 per month in 2024.
Patagonia Region
The Patagonia region, encompassing provinces like Santa Cruz and Neuquén, boasts some of the highest average salaries in the country. Thanks to the booming oil and gas industry, salaries in this region can surpass $2500 per month in 2024, making it an attractive destination for skilled workers seeking higher income opportunities.
Common industries in Argentina and their average salaries
When it comes to the average salary landscape in Argentina, understanding the common industries and their corresponding wages is crucial. Let’s delve into some key sectors and their average salaries:
Finance and Banking
The finance and banking sector in Argentina typically offers competitive salaries. Professionals in this industry can expect an average salary of around $45,000 per year.
Technology and IT
With the rapid growth of the technology sector in Argentina, professionals in IT roles are in high demand. The average salary for individuals working in technology and IT is approximately $40,000 annually.
In the healthcare industry, salaries can vary based on specialization and experience. On average, healthcare professionals earn around $35,000 per year in Argentina.
Workers in the manufacturing sector in Argentina earn between $30,000 and $50,000 on average annually, depending on their position and qualifications.
Tourism and Hospitality
The tourism and hospitality industry in Argentina provides average salaries of $25,000 to $45,000 per year, with opportunities for seasonal and full-time employment.

Minimum wage regulations in 2024
As of 2024, the minimum wage in Argentina stands at ARS 202,800 per month (= $230 USD). It became valid on March 1, 2024. This minimum wage serves as a baseline for workers across various industries, ensuring that they earn a decent living wage regardless of their employment sector.
In conclusion, the average salary landscape in Argentina for 2024 is a dynamic and diverse one. Despite facing economic challenges, the country offers varying wage levels across different regions and industries. Understanding these nuances is crucial for both employees and employers when navigating the job market and making informed decisions. Additionally, with minimum wage regulations in place, there is an emphasis on ensuring fair compensation for all workers. Overall, the average salary in Argentina reflects the complex interplay of economic factors and regional disparities, making it a rich field for exploration and analysis in the coming years.
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