Average salary in Jakarta

Average salary in Jakarta

As the bustling capital of Indonesia, Jakarta is a thriving center for business, trade, and industry in Southeast Asia. This article explores the average salaries in Jakarta across key sectors such as manufacturing, finance, and technology. We also examine how the cost of living, local economic conditions, and growth opportunities impact wages in this rapidly developing metropolis.

Key Factors Influencing Jakarta’s Average Salary

Industry Trends

One of the key factors influencing Jakarta’s average salary is the industry trends in the region. Industries such as finance, technology, and e-commerce have been experiencing significant growth, leading to higher salaries for professionals working in these sectors. According to recent data, professionals in the finance industry earn an average of Rp 15,000,000 per month, while those in the technology sector earn around Rp 20,000,000 per month.

Educational Attainment

Another important factor that contributes to Jakarta’s average salary is educational attainment. Individuals with higher levels of education tend to earn higher salaries compared to those with lower education levels. For example, professionals with a master’s degree earn an average of Rp 25,000,000 per month, whereas those with a bachelor’s degree earn around Rp 18,000,000 per month.

Market Demand

Market demand for specific skills and expertise also plays a significant role in determining Jakarta’s average salary. Professionals with in-demand skills such as data analysis, digital marketing, and software development command higher salaries due to the scarcity of talent in these areas. Data shows that professionals with expertise in data analysis can earn up to Rp 30,000,000 per month in Jakarta, highlighting the impact of market demand on salary levels.

Comparative Analysis of Different Job Sectors

Salary Comparison Across Industries

In the Jakarta job market, the tech industry stands out with an average income of Rp 15,000,000 per month, followed closely by the finance sector at Rp 14,500,000. The manufacturing industry lags behind with an average income of Rp 10,000,000.

Regional Disparities in Job Sector Salaries

Salaries vary across different regions of Jakarta, with South Jakarta leading the way with an average income of Rp 15,500,000, while West Jakarta lags behind at Rp 12,000,000. Central Jakarta falls in between, with an average income of Rp 13,000,000.

Income Growth Projections for Various Job Sectors

Looking ahead to the future, the healthcare sector is expected to see significant income growth of 10% next year, while the hospitality industry might experience a modest 3% increase. In contrast, the retail sector’s income growth is projected to remain stagnant.


Average Monthly Salary Trends in Jakarta

Salary Growth Over the Past 5 Years

In Jakarta, the average monthly salary has shown a steady growth over the past 5 years. In 2016, the average salary was Rp 8,000,000 per month which has increased to Rp 12,000,000 per month in 2021. This represents a significant growth rate of 50% over the 5-year period.

Differences in Salary Across Industries

There are notable differences in average monthly salaries across various industries in Jakarta. For example, the technology sector tends to offer higher salaries compared to the retail or hospitality sectors. On average, employees in the technology industry earn around Rp 15,000,000 per month, while those in retail earn closer to Rp 8,000,000 per month.

Impact of Education Level on Salary

Education level plays a crucial role in determining the average monthly salary in Jakarta. Individuals with a bachelor’s degree tend to earn significantly more than those with only a high school diploma. For instance, professionals with a bachelor’s degree earn an average of Rp 14,000,000 per month, while high school graduates earn an average of Rp 7,000,000 per month.

Impact of Education Levels on Salary Expectations

Educational Levels and Median Salaries

According to the Jakarta Salary Report 2021, individuals with a high school diploma can expect a median salary of Rp 5,000,000 per month. On the other hand, those with a bachelor’s degree earn a median salary of Rp 8,000,000 per month, showing a clear impact of educational attainment on salary expectations.

Specialized Education and Salary Disparities

When it comes to specialized education or advanced degrees, the salary disparity becomes even more pronounced. For instance, professionals with a master’s degree or higher qualifications can command a median salary of Rp 12,000,000 per month, highlighting the significant wage difference based on education levels.

Continuing Education and Career Advancement

The data also indicates a strong correlation between continuing education and career advancement in Jakarta. Employees who pursue further education or certifications tend to see an increase in their earning potential, with each additional qualification opening doors to higher-paying positions within their respective industries.

Future Salary Projections in Jakarta

Projected Salary Growth

According to recent data, the projected salary growth in Jakarta for 2022 is estimated to be around 7-9%. This increase is attributed to the economic recovery and growth trends observed in various industries within the region.

Industry-specific Salary Trends

When looking at industry-specific salary trends, the tech sector stands out with an expected growth rate of 10-12% in the upcoming year. On the other hand, traditional manufacturing industries are projected to see a more modest increase of 4-6% on average.

Impact of Education and Experience

Individuals with higher education qualifications such as postgraduate degrees are likely to command salaries that are 15-20% higher compared to those with undergraduate degrees. Furthermore, professionals with over 5 years of experience can expect a salary increase of 8-10% as they progress in their careers.

TalentUp Salary Platform

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About Author

Maria Viladrich Farré

Marketing Content Specialist. Maria is a communications enthusiast who is interested in international relations and NGOs. She spends her time exploring and learning about new cultures while being aware of current economic and social issues.